
Monday, November 4, 2019

Nov Monthly Goals Tracking Post for Me

Monthly goals are hit or miss for me.  I have good intentions at the beginning of the month then things sometimes go south.  My last Monthly goal post was in August How's that for consistency? 

Oh well, I still want to keep trying to do better and keep things on track. 

  • Keep dining out to $150 
  • Track grocery spending this month 
  • Continue to build my eBay business (Here are my 2019 goals)
  • Rebuild  short-term savings account to $1000 Hovering at $865 $1000


  • Weekly dinner with grandkids, daughter, and son in law 
  • Have two date nights with my mister 
  • Touch base with my sons with text and or phone calls. Oldest visited Nov 2 and stayed for dinner


  • Walk at least 2 continuous miles 4-5 times a week. 
  • Lose 8 pounds  
  • Strength training at gym 2-3 times a week We have a gym membership through husbands' work but have not been for MONTHS!

  • eBay 

  • Spend time with a friend (time to use that Disney Pass)
  • Continue to research paternal side of the family  
  • Find a hobby that explores the creative side but does not break the bank :-)  Gardening, rock painting?

Here is to staying on track with a manageable list of goals this month.  We did get our two-mile walk in this morning.  The weather has finally changed and it was in the 70's which made for a much more enjoyable walk.  

I am pretty sure I need to upgrade my walking shoes, after this morning's walk my knees were hurting.  I  am currently icing them down to reduce the pain and inflammation.  I had both knees replaced in 2016-2017 and I sure don't want to do that again.

Do you set monthly goals?  Are they helpful or do they stress you out? 

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